Thank you for visiting this website to learn more about a proposed public-private development by St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, BRIDGE Housing and Security Properties. The project is still early in the design process, and we are committed to keeping the community updated through the design, entitlement, and construction phases.
Project Address
5710 22nd Avenue NW, Seattle 98107
The Site
The full development will be located on St. Luke’s property which is approximately 55,000 square feet. Two buildings will be developed with the same design team for a cohesive approach.

The Proposed Project
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is partnering with BRIDGE Housing and Security Properties to develop 84 affordable family apartment homes and approximately 200 market rate apartment homes. The proposed development is comprised of two integrated but separate buildings, along with a new church for St. Luke’s located at the corner of 57th Street.
The affordable apartment building will be facing 58th Street with the aim to serve families at or below 60% of AMI, which for a family of four is $77,650.
The market rate component will also have 20% of the homes affordable, through the City of Seattle Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) program. MFTE units are income restricted for individuals and families earning 60%-80% Area Median Income (AMI). For an individual, 80% AMI is an annual income of $72,480.
That building will be located along 22nd Avenue NE and will include ground-level space for a new church. The market rate and MFTE apartments will be above the new Church.
There will be an underground parking garage with an estimated 165 parking stalls associated with the marker rate project. No commercial or retail spaces are planned.
City of Seattle Project Number: 004957-21A
City URL to Check Project Status: https://www.seattle.gov/sdci
Development Team: Security Properties, BRIDGE Housing
Type of Development: Mixed-Use, Multi-Family
Current Status
On January 3, 2022, the project was presented to the West Design Review Board at a public meeting. The height of both buildings was approved at 8 stories with the massing modulation shown at the meeting. There will be a public courtyard along 58th Street to provide open space and reinforce the public greenway.
Both projects were given the green light to submit for a Master Use Permit. While the City reviews the permit applications, we will be finalizing the design of the market rate apartment building and St. Luke’s new church. When we have design approval by the city of Seattle, we will post the renderings and information on this site and host a community meeting.
We cannot start any mobilization for construction until we have approval of the design and all our building permits, including the Master Use Permit. We may or may not start construction in late 2023. It is too early for us to be definitive right now; more to come.